Psychological nature of erectile dysfunction
Men are usually not as sincere as women. It is very difficult for them to tell about failure in bed even their best friends and even professionals. Undoubtedly it is not a good thing and in case of any troubles or even suspicions one should immediately contact his doctor. It’s suggested to get a consultation even before buying Cialis so there is nothing surprising that the consultation is simply necessary for anything serious. Let’s now talk about the main types of psychological problems leading to erection problems and generally to the lack of confidence.
One failure will definitely lead to another
Being honest all men who lead more or less active and long sexual life have already faced one or even several failures. It happens suddenly and unexpectedly when everything seems to go right from the very beginning. However, when it comes to the main part of the evening erection does not appear. A man can broil with impatience and desire but nothing helps.Well, if it happened only once – don’t panic and don’t immediately run to call your doctor. Sometimes it may occur and that is absolutely normal. We are not robots and our reproductive system may occasionally glitch. The organism can be merely doing something more important at the moment – for instance, trying to clean your liver after a good party or to push a burrito out of your stomach. One failure per, let’s say, several dozens of sexual acts means totally nothing.
Finally, you may be also too excited (especially if it is your first time), but we will explain what to do in such a case later.
To sum up, one failure does not necessarily leads to another one. But if you will expect it all the time your brain will eventually believe it and the situation will repeat. You don’t even imagine how many people come to doctors after a couple of such failures afraid of they have become impotent. Luckily the doctors quickly realize what’s going on and provides the patient with useful recommendations.
A night of hot sex failed? OK, you’ll do it next time without any doubts. Just pretend that nothing happened.
The fear of the first time
First sex is a very important thing for any woman but so it is for absolutely any man! Especially if he knows that his partner already has some experience. He wants to look great, to act perfect and to prove himself that he is a great lover. All of that creates outstanding pressure and makes this poor guy worry too much. Have you just recognized yourself? Don’t worry, we will tell you what to do!
The first thing that women actually do not need sex like in erotic movies when a partner does several hundred of different things during the act. They do not even need you to be too long-lasting, if you understand. The hottest part of any intimacy is true passion and sincerity. All of that you are certainly capable of showing. And don’t be afraid of a very short first act – the night is long and you can repeat several times! Just buy enough contraceptives and take a pill of Cialis if you cannot get rid of the fear that there will be no erection in the defining moment.
First sex after long break
The recommendations are generally the same just like in the previous situation. You do not have to be a superman, my friend, it is enough to remain yourself and to act naturally. And do not hesitate to purchase a great and effective preparation we have advised above – just in order to stop worrying about erection.By the way, it is actually a very pleasant thing to have sex for the first time after several months of even years of break. You will feel everything very well and new. And regardless of your previous experience everything will depend only on you and your confidence. You can change your sexual life for better at absolutely any time.
Of course, if troubles with erection do not go away or if you think that they occur too often – don’t hesitate and visit a specialist. Nowadays erectile dysfunction and the majority of various erection impairments are caused by psychological issues which are typically quite easy to deal with. There is nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to be afraid of. Please, when you visit a doctor try to provide as many details as possible. He is a professional and his aim is to cure you as soon as possible.